06道歉信通常包括三部分内容:1.表示歉意,道歉的原由;2.出现差错的原因,提出弥补措施;3.请求原谅。语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。①I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因).②The reason is that ______(介绍原因). ③Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can accept my appologies and understand my situation.I am writing this letter to express my regret…I am writing to apologize for…I would like to give you my apology for…I am very sorry to say that…I must apologize about (not) doing sth…Please accept my sincere apology for…I am writing to say sorry for…I am terribly sorry, but…Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Please allow me to say sorry again.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.我真诚的希望你能够站在我的位置想一想,并且接受我的道歉。I want to let you know how regretful I am feeling now.I am sorry that I can’t… but trust that you will be able to understand. 免责声明:文章内容来自网络,仅供学习交流,不代表津东方立场!本站不对其内容的真实性、完整性、准确性给予任何担保、明示、暗示和承诺,本文仅供读者参考!津东方尊重原作者的辛勤劳动并致力于保护原著版权以及相关的知识产权,所转载的文章,其版权归原作者所有。如本文内容影响到您的合法权益(内容、图片等),请添加客服微信联系我们,我们将第一时间回复处理。如需转载本文,请在显著位置注明出处(津东方网站,以及文章链接):