分析历年高考英语试卷,我们可将阅读理解归纳为以下几种题型:主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题(含写作意图、目的等),词义猜测题。英语阅读理解题的技巧与策略是学生提高阅读理解多需要具备的。下面老师整理了高考英语阅读理解(经典题型+解题技巧)大全!同时还汇集了高考英语6大书信写作模板的固定套路,包括:建议信、邀请信、口头通知、申请信、投诉信、和道歉信的篇章布局以及首段、中段、尾段所需的重要句型,希望能对您的高考英语写作有所帮助!这类题在设题时常会用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等词。特点:短小精悍,一般多为一个短语;涵盖性强,一般能覆盖全文意思;精确性强,表达范围要恰当,不能随意改变语意程度或色彩。常见命题形式有:What’s the best title for the text? The best title for this passage is ___. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys? The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences. To the Egyptians, green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils (灾祸). People’s choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies’ reactions (反应) toward them. Green is said to be the most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. People who work in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches. Red can cause a person’s blood pressure to rise and increase people’s appetites (食欲). Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. Similarly, many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that easily catches a person’s eye. Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue can cause people to lose appetite. So if you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can help. The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully. 63. Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text? A. Colors and Human Beings B. The Cultural Meaning of Color C. Colors and Personal Experiences D. The Meaning and Function of Color 免责声明:文章内容来自网络,仅供学习交流,不代表津东方立场!本站不对其内容的真实性、完整性、准确性给予任何担保、明示、暗示和承诺,本文仅供读者参考!津东方尊重原作者的辛勤劳动并致力于保护原著版权以及相关的知识产权,所转载的文章,其版权归原作者所有。如本文内容影响到您的合法权益(内容、图片等),请添加客服微信联系我们,我们将第一时间回复处理。如需转载本文,请在显著位置注明出处(津东方网站,以及文章链接):